Very individually oriented (me, mine). Incredibly short attention span. Their delicate psyche is easily bruised. Complex tasks are difficult. Linking skills together is often beyond their ability.
No concept of "team". Do not want to share. Solve one problem at a time. Prefer parallel play, so 3 v 3 is really 1 v 5 since they all want the ball at the same time. "My ball", "Mine", "Not yours" will be common phrases. This does not mean they don't need to feel part of the group (team).
Limited coordination. Love to jump and hop. Play at full speed with easy fatigue but rapid recovery. Need frequent water breaks.
Simple, brief instructions. Lots of praise. "Hints" not corrections. Fun games without pressure. Every child with a ball for most of the training session should be the norm. Encourage two footedness. Play games of inclusion not "knockout" games where the loser sits. Your less talented or more timid players will get knocked out first and lose valuable training time. Don't worry about "Bunch ball" it's ok and teaches ball control and comfort in traffic. Don't worry about passing; they aren't going to share anyway. Forcing a passing game on these children creates a "boot ball" mentality. Be patient. Don't forget to laugh; these kids are a scream. Educate your team's parents, "No coaching from the sideline" or "Don't encourage boot ball" are good places to start.
Create a love of the game. Use of both feet.