Thank you for your interest in learning more about concussions and their effect on young athletes.
Montgomery County Soccer Association (MCSA) has adopted the following policy regarding concussions.
In compliance with Tennessee code Annotated Section 68-55-503, MCSA has adopted guidelines and forms as developed by the Tennessee Department of Health to inform and educate coaches, young athletes and their parents or guardians of the nature, risk and symptoms of concussion and head injury.
Every individual involved in youth athletics must become more proactive in identifying and treating athletes who show signs of concussion or head injury. In order to address this critical issue, the National Federation of State High School Associations includes the following language in every sport rulebook publication:
“Any player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness confusion or balance problems shall be immediately removed from the game and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health care professional”.
The MCSA has adopted the policy listed above as our standard for all recreational games, practices and any activity organized by an MCSA staff, coach, manager or any other person functioning on behalf of the MCSA.
Education is the key to identifying and treating youth athletes who show signs of a concussion during athletic participation. It is very important that every administrator, coach, parent, official, athlete and health-care professional know the symptoms and steps to take when dealing with youth athletes that display signs of a possible concussion.
Concussions can be a serious health issue and should be treated as such. All MCSA members will comply with the terms set forth below in compliance with Tennessee law.
1. At least an annual completion by the Board of Directors, Age Group Coordinators, all coaches, whether paid or volunteer, of a head injury safety education course. The concussion signs and symptoms checklist must be included. (See below)
2. At least an annual completion of the concussion and head injury coach information form by all coaches prior to initiating practice or competition. (See below)
3. At least an annual completion of the concussion and head injury athlete/parent information form by all youth athletes and athlete’s parent or guardian.
This information sheet shall be signed and returned by the youth athlete, if the youth athlete is eighteen (18) years of age or older, otherwise by the athlete’s parent or guardian, prior to the youth athlete’s initiating practice or competition. (See below)
4. MCSA will maintain all documentation of the completion of a head injury safety education course, signed coach and athlete/parent information sheets for a period of three (3) years.
5. Any youth athlete who shows signs, symptoms and behaviors consistent with a concussion shall immediately be removed from the activity or competition for evaluation by a licensed health care professional, if available, and if not, by the coach or other designated person. In determining whether a youth athlete suffered from a possible concussion, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) concussion signs and symptoms checklist shall be utilized. (See below)
6. No youth athlete who has been removed from play due to a suspected concussion shall return to practice or competition until the youth athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care professional and receives written clearance for a full or graduated return to play. (See below) The concussion return to play form has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Health. A copy of the form will be kept on file with MCSA for a period of three (3) years.
Coaches, Click Here! for a online concussion training provided by the NFHS.
Coaches, Click Here! for a online concussion training provided by the CDC.
Click Here! for CDC Clipboard information.
Additional Athlete and Parent Information:
Parents, Click Here! for CDC Parent Fact Sheet.
Players, Click Here! for CDC Athlete Fact Sheet.